Our Projects

SERIAL (2021)

Serial, follows the story of Alex Pearson (Robert Engle), a local news reporter who embarks on a daring quest to interview a recently apprehended serial killer, hoping to secure a confession. Is his pursuit driven by a quest for justice or personal ambition? This short drama delves into the moral quandaries journalists face in their pursuit of fame, challenging the boundaries of ethical journalism in their want for recognition.

Can I Smell Your Hair? (2023)

In, Can I Smell Your Hair?: A Personal Quest to Making a Friend in VR, Robert Engle Delves into the intricacies of online communication within VR. Leading audiences on a captivating journey, navigating the nuances of social cues and conduct in virtual spaces with the audience through online social cues and conduct.

Glory is Fleeting (2019)

From director Mark Kilkoyne, Glory is Fleeting follows the life of Nathan (Dayton Willison), a man trapped in shadows of society searching for the feeling of being regal. While his methods are unorthodox the film follows Nathan's addiction filled path to glory. Being one of Studio Apologias early collaborations, there’s a special place in our hearts for this charming short.

Pill-Buzz Idaho (2021)

In collaboration with Director and Writer Sam Huggin, Pill-Buzz Idaho is a hilarious ride through the world of TV infomercials with our hero, Tim Sportsman (Terry Jernigan). This project was an amazing collaborative effort with Sam Huggin, bringing existentialism and absurdist comedy to the forefront.

Other Projects